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Consents and permissions you might need

Find out which consents and permissions you might need for different types of building projects in Wellington City.

Resource Consent Check unavailable

Due to the release of the Proposed District Plan, our online Resource Consent Check service is unavailable while we work on creating a new tool for the updated plan.

Consents and permissions for common projects

Find out what you might need if you're planning to do any of the following:

Resource consent

A resource consent is a written decision from the Council about something that may affect the environment or your community – for example, building a deck close to a property's boundary. The rules for this are set out in our District Plan.

If you need a resource consent, you should get it before you apply for a building consent or any other permissions.

Find out if you need resource consent

Building consent

A building consent confirms that proposed building work complies with the Building Code.

You will need a building consent for most building work in Wellington City, including:

  • building or altering your house
  • building a retaining wall that will be load-bearing or is over 1.5m high
  • building a deck more than 1.5m above ground level.

Find out if you need a building consent

Other rules and permissions that may apply

Changing the use of a building

If you're changing the use of a building – for example, changing a home to a workplace like an early childhood centre – you need to notify the Council, even if no building work is involved.

Changing the use of a building

Creating or changing a driveway or kerb

If you're creating a new driveway or doing work that will affect the existing driveway or kerb, you'll need vehicle access approval.

Create or change a driveway or kerb

Carrying out noisy building work

There are certain rules around when construction noise is allowed to take place in residential areas, including the Central Area zone of the city.

You'll need to:

  • check the hours and days noisy construction work can take place
  • consult with any neighbours who could be affected by the noise.

Construction noise hours and how to apply for an exemption

Development contributions

If you're creating a new house hold unit, or creating a new commercial, retail or industrial space, you may need to pay a development contribution.

Development contributions

Extending the specified life of a building

Find out how to request an extension of life for a temporary building – for example, a portacom or site office.

Extending the specified life of a building

Certificates for public use

If you want members of the public to be able to access all or part of your building while building work is ongoing, you need a certificate for public use (CPU).

Applying for a certificate for public use

Rights of way

A right of way is a form of easement that gives you the right to pass over another person's land. This could include using a neighbour's driveway, or being able to use a narrow portion of their property as a footpath to your house.

Using neighbouring land to access your property

High value building projects

Contractors undertaking high value building projects valued at $2 million or more, need to submit a Waste Management and Minimisation Plan.

More information: Construction and demolition waste planning