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Rates are a charge against a property (rating unit) and set by your local and regional councils.
Find rates and property information, including valuations.
You can pay your rates online, by direct debit, internet or telephone banking, or in person.
Use our online form to sign up to get your rates invoice and rating valuation notice by email. You can also use this form to update your email address if you've already signed up.
Rates are billed in four instalments for the rating year, which begins 1 July and ends 30 June.
Where your rates go, how they're calculated, regional council rates, rebates and what to do when buying or selling a home.
Solicitors, legal executives, and conveyancing professionals can request rates information for a property. To get this information, your law firm needs to be registered with us.
Residential ratepayers on low incomes may be eligible for a rates rebate.
Council rates remissions are available for ratepayers that meet the criteria.
Update your contact details with us.
Our policy on differential rating category conditions, rates postponements and the principles and objectives of the policy.