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Property search

You can search the Council’s rates database to find property and rates information, including valuations.

Objection period closing soon

Objections to the latest rating valuations must be submitted before 31 March 2025.

How to object

View rates and valuation details

Use our search tool to find information about properties in Wellington City.

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About the Council's rating information database

The information displayed for each property is taken from the Council's rating information database (RID) and rates record.

The RID is a list of information that is used to set and assess rates on a property (rating unit) in a particular year. The rates record includes other information on the state of the rates account.

Wellington City Council maintains the RID and rates record for the Wellington City area for both itself and Greater Wellington Regional Council. 

Personal details

Withholding personal details

You can withhold your personal details from the public Rating Information Database. To do so, you must first search for your property. Then select the 'Remove my details' link to complete the form.

Alternatively, you can use the printable form below.

Withhold personal details form (36KB PDF)

Information not shown

There is some information that the Council is prohibited from showing, such as the owner of the property and rates owing. If you are the owner or other authorised person you can obtain this information by calling the Council's rates team on 04 499 4444 or emailing

Other property information

You can also get building permit and consent records for a property using our building consent search service. These records generally include plans and Council documentation such as applications and inspections.

Building consent search service