Instalment dates

Rates are billed in four instalments for the rating year, which begins 1 July and ends 30 June. You will receive the invoice for each rates instalment about 1 month before it is due.

Due dates

To avoid penalties, you must pay your instalments in full by the following due dates:

  • First instalment: due 1 September
  • Second instalment: due 1 December
  • Third instalment: due 1 March
  • Fourth instalment: due 1 June

When the payment due date falls on a weekend or public holiday, the due date is the next working day.

Payment options

How much are my rates?

How rates are billed

The rating year begins on 1 July and ends on 30 June. The rating year is divided into four equal instalments, each invoiced separately.

With your first invoice for the year, you will receive a 'Rates Assessment Notice'. It tells you the total amount you will pay for the entire year to both Wellington City and Greater Wellington Regional Councils.

Throughout the year, you will receive four rates invoices, one every three months. They arrive about one month before the due date and must be paid in full and on time.


A 10% penalty will be added to any amount of the current instalment remaining unpaid after the due date.

An additional 10% penalty will be added in July and January of each year to any unpaid rates from previous financial years.