Community Housing Provider

We set up a Community Housing Provider (CHP) to manage the city’s social housing. This will enable access to funding so that more social housing can be built, and access to a rent subsidy for eligible new tenants.


The Council’s social housing service, City Housing, had long-standing financial challenges. In June 2022, following community consultation, the Council agreed to establish a Community Housing Provider (CHP) to help resolve these financial challenges.

A CHP enables:

  • more new social housing to be built in Wellington
  • access to the government's Income Related Rent Subsidy (IRRS) for new, eligible tenants, improving tenant wellbeing
  • long-term resolution of City Housing’s financial challenges, at a lower cost to the Council and ratepayers.

A CHP is a regulated entity that provides social, affordable and/or community housing and is registered with the Community Housing Regulatory Authority (CHRA).

The Council still owns the majority of its properties and leases these to the CHP.

Te Toi Mahana took over tenancy management, activities, and maintenance on 1 August 2023.

As part of the set-up of Te Toi Mahana, the Council will gift it $10m of property and $23m funds, to help it build new social housing.

The Council remains responsible for delivering the major housing upgrade programme (HUP2) that it has agreed with central government, and the implementation of Healthy Homes upgrades.


Existing tenants

Tenants of City Housing transferred over to Te Toi Mahana on their existing tenancy agreements and rent.

  • Tenants will continue to have a tenancy advisor and access to the same support and services that they received from City Housing.
  • The Council’s core rental terms (including the Affordable Rent Limit subsidy, rent caps, and the 80+rent freeze) transferred across to Te Toi Mahana.
  • A new tenant support fund will be set up, to help tenants who are experiencing financial hardship. 

During the transition to Te Toi Mahana, we kept tenants informed via the tenant newsletter, drop-in sessions, tenancy advisors, mail, the Tenant and Stakeholder Feedback Panel, and via information sheets. We also ran 11 drop-in sessions for tenants at community spaces across Pōneke in May 2023.

Future tenants

Te Toi Mahana will source new tenants from the MSD Public Housing Register.

New, eligible tenants will have access to the government’s Income Related Rent Subsidy (IRRS). The IRRS caps tenants’ rent at 25% of a person’s income.

Project delivery

Stage 1: July 2022–December 2022 (complete)

  • Council decided on the design and set-up details for the CHP.
  • First six CHP Trustee appointments made.

Stage 2: January 2023–August 2023 (complete)

  • Final three CHP Trustees appointed.
  • Chief Executive and senior staff for the CHP recruited.
  • Employment change process for City Housing staff completed.
  • CHP registration with the Community Housing Regulatory Authority completed.
  • Housing lease agreement between the Council and CHP.
  • Tenants informed of progress and introduced to the new CHP.

Stage 3: August 2023 onwards

  • CHP takes over tenancy services and facilities maintenance from City Housing.

Public consultation

Public consultation on options to make council housing financially sustainable was held in April–May 2022.

See our Annual Plan 2022/23 submission results and the future of Wellington's council housing results.

Council decision papers and minutes

Council papers related to CHP decisions include the case for change, public consultation, detailed design, establishment and transition.