8. Post a public notice if required
After you've submitted your application, the District Licensing Committee will let you know if you need to notify the public about your licence application.
Notify the public of your alcohol licence application
9. Application assessment
Your application will be assessed by a Council licensing inspector (who might also visit your premises), as well as interested parties like the NZ Police, the Council's Noise officer and a medical officer of health from Capital & Coast DHB.
The process is the same as other alcohol licence applications, but is usually completed faster.
Alcohol licence application assessment process
10. If there's opposition or objection
Your application can be objected to by a member of the public, or opposed by the Police, the District Health Board (DHB) or a licensing inspector.
You may be able to resolve the issue through discussion or by making a change to your application (for example, reducing the hours of your event). If you can't, you'll need to present your case at a hearing.
If there's opposition or objection to your alcohol licence application
11. If your application is approved
You'll be notified by post or email.
After your licence is issued, you can sell alcohol at your event – as long as you meet all the requirements of being a licence holder.
Legal requirements for licence holders
Need help?
You can meet with an alcohol licensing inspector for free. They're available Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm.
Alcohol Licensing
Phone: 04 801 3760
Email: AlcoholApplications@wcc.govt.nz
Meet with an alcohol licensing inspector