Meeting agenda
1) Welcome – Councillor Bryan Pepperell
2) Apologies / Introductions
3) Previous meeting minutes
4) Shared path on the corner of Hutt Road and Westminster St (Simon Kennett)
5) 'Looks both Ways' safety video (Simon Kennett)
6) Footpath clutter obstructing view of road especially on inner city bus routes (Alex Gray)
7) Refugee community safety day (Anna)
8) Community Grants update and recommendations (Anna & Emma)
9) Agency updates (All)
10) Transport safety education update on current main projects (Anna)
11) Sustainable Transport update on current main projects (Emma)
12) General Business (All)
Council and Committee meetings are livestreamed on our YouTube page. This includes any public participation at the meeting. (The video will display here when it is available.)
Community Board, Advisory Group, Forum and District Licensing Committee meetings are not livestreamed.