Peter Wakeman

Candidate information for Peter Wakeman.


Principal place of residence:
Not within the Pukehīnau/Lambton General Ward area

Candidate statement

Our vote for a new councillor.

Wakeman, vegan gf, former passenger jet pilot has a slogan wake up or pay up.

Airports can close we do need good Ferries and terminals not a national disaster increasing our costs more for all concerned.

Labour introduced GST 10% with National taking it to 15%. Cost of living tax.  Paid by our money earned already taxed.

Private banks can create around 98% of debt as money. Bank failure, customers money legally can be to support the bank by bail in or the government can bail the bank out. Need cheaper housing now. Retain cash. NZ Government can create money for housing and infrastructure rather than rely on private banks. No need to pay interest to private banks on RBNZ created money.

Our own individual interests can support change of policy by using our vote. 

Wakeman seeks your support for number 2 or 1.

Candidate profile information – large print version (32KB DOCX)

Contact details

Contact details have been provided by candidates. Some candidates have chosen not to share some contact details.

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Mobile phone 027 738 3792

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Disclaimer: This candidate profile has been compiled under the Local Electoral Act 2001. The Act provides that an electoral officer is not required to verify or investigate any information included in candidate profile statements and is not responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in such statements.