Geordie Rogers

Candidate information for Geordie Rogers.

Green Party

Principal place of residence:
Not within the Pukehīnau/Lambton General Ward area

Candidate statement

I'm running for Wellington City Council with a vision — to build a city where everyone can enjoy affordable and healthy homes, clean streams, oceans and beautiful native parks. That means investing in new housing, our pipes, and our public and active transport.

I’m proud to have had a hand in shaping our city already. I’ve worked with renters across the city and successfully campaigned for WCC to adopt Aotearoa’s first Healthy Homes Commitment and an ambitious district plan.

My previous work with Council means that I can hit the ground running. I will prioritise healthy, affordable housing, alongside accessible public and active transport. I will push for stronger climate action and resilient infrastructure and I will deliver for young people, renters, families, workers, and our future neighbours by investing in water, transport and energy infrastructure fit for the future.

For a Pōneke where everyone can thrive

Vote #1 Geordie Rogers

Candidate profile information – large print version (32KB DOCX)

Contact details

Contact details have been provided by candidates. Some candidates have chosen not to share some contact details.

Mobile phone 020 402 63404

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Disclaimer: This candidate profile has been compiled under the Local Electoral Act 2001. The Act provides that an electoral officer is not required to verify or investigate any information included in candidate profile statements and is not responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in such statements.