Heritage policy

The Council works to identify and protect the city's heritage places to help retain them for future generations.

A Māori pouwhenua (carved pillar) at Oruaiti Reserve, Wellington.
Oruaiti Reserve, Wellington

Wellington's historic heritage is a finite resource and the Council believes it is important in shaping the central city's character and each of its suburbs. It is part of what makes Wellington unique.

Heritage Policy

The 2010 Heritage Policy outlines how the Council will continue to achieve, setting out objectives and actions based on the following goals:

Wellington celebrates its past through the recognition, protection, conservation and use of its heritage for the benefit of all
- The policy's vision for the role of heritage (abbreviated)
  • Recognition - Wellington's heritage is recognised as contributing to our understanding of our cultural diversity and awareness of sense of place.
  • Protection, conservation and use - Wellington's unique character is enhanced by the protection, conservation and use of its heritage.
  • Sustainable economic use - Wellington's heritage is acknowledged as contributing to a vibrant economy.

Resource Management Act

In the determination and management of Wellington's heritage places, the Council is guided by the Resource Management Act 1991

The purpose of this Act is to promote the sustainable management of natural and physical resources. In preparing their policies and plans, the Act details those natural and heritage values councils must recognise and provide for.

Contact us

Heritage team

Phone: 04 499 4444

Email: heritage@wcc.govt.nz