Food stalls

Food stalls need a food registration certificate to sell food, unless the stall is for fundraising and operates fewer than 20 times a year.

How it works

Food stalls are temporary structures used to sell or give away food at events, fairs or markets.

You need to apply for a food registration certificate to sell food from a food stall in Wellington, unless:

  • you are a charity organisation or are fundraising, and sell food fewer than 20 times a year
  • you run a club, organisation or society that sometimes sells food at member events.

Exemptions from plans or programmes – MPI

Fundraisers and sausage sizzles

Setting up a safe food stall

Temporary food stalls can be riskier for consumers than cafes and restaurants because the lack of space and facilities can lead to cross-contamination.

Applying for a food registration certificate

Before you can sell food from a food stall in Wellington City, you need to apply for a food registration certificate. You should apply for your registration with the Council where you live or where you prepare food.

Depending on how your stall is set up, you might need to prepare food in a commercial kitchen.

You'll also need to provide:

  • details and photos of the food you plan to make
  • information about where the food will be prepared
  • a plan of the stall to show how the equipment will be set up
  • photographs and a list of equipment to be used in the stall
  • details of how food will be transported to the event or market.

Apply for a food registration certificate

Once you have your food registration certificate and have started selling food, a Public Health officer will visit you to verify your food stall is safe and healthy.

Verification of your food business

Where you can sell food

Once your food stall is registered you can operate anywhere in New Zealand, as long as:

  • you have landowner permission to use the site
  • trading from that location fits with activities allowed in the District Plan.

Market or event

If you want to trade as part of a market or event, contact the organiser – they will deal with us on your behalf.

More information

Public Health team

Phone: 04 499 4444


Postal address: PO Box 2199, Wellington

Street address: 12 Manners Street, Wellington