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Renewing your alcohol licence

If you are an alcohol licence holder, you must apply to renew your licence at least 20 working days before it expires.

When to renew your alcohol licence

Make sure you apply to renew your on-licence, off-licence or club licence at least 20 working days before it expires. You must renew it:

  • 1 year after it's first issued
  • every 3 years after that before the expiry date.

If you apply before your licence expires, you can keep selling alcohol while we process your application. If your licence expires before you send in your application, you must stop selling alcohol immediately and remove all alcohol from display until your new licence is granted.

Late notice waiver fee (from 1 October 2025)

Starting 1 October 2025, a fee for late licence renewal applications will be introduced. Customers applying to renew their alcohol licence less than 20 days before it expires will be charged an additional amount on top of the renewal application fee.

If you apply for a special licence between 11-20 days before your licence expires, you will be charged 10% of the application fee. If you apply 10 days or less before your licence expires, you will be charged 20% of the application fee.

Please note that payment for a late application does not guarantee that the District Licensing Committee will agree to consider your late application, nor is it a guarantee that your application will be granted.

Changing the conditions of your licence

If you want to change the conditions of your alcohol licence (for example, changing the hours you're licensed for), you need to make a variation to your licence. If you renew your licence at the same time, you’ll only pay one set of fees.

Applying for a variation to the conditions of your licence

How to renew your licence

Once your application is submitted, the process takes at least 35 working days.

If you have any questions during the process, you can meet with an alcohol licensing inspector for help or advice.

1. Prepare your supporting documents

You must provide copies of all these documents with your application. Even if nothing has changed since last time you renewed, we need proof that you're still meeting the conditions of your licence.

Documents required for all licence types

Extra documents required for an on-licence

Extra documents required for an off-licence

Extra documents required for a club licence

2. Complete the form


Apply for on-licence renewal


Apply for off-licence renewal

Club licence

Apply for club licence renewal

3. Pay the fee

When you renew your licence, you'll pay:

  • an application fee
  • a public notice fee to advertise on our website
  • an annual fee. 

Alcohol licence fees

4. Post your public notice

After you've submitted your application, you must post a notice to let the public know that you're renewing your alcohol licence.

Notify the public of your alcohol licence application

5. Application assessment

This process takes at least 35 working days. Your application will be assessed by a Council licensing inspector (who might also visit your premises), an alcohol harm reduction officer from NZ Police, and a medical officer of health from Capital & Coast DHB.

Application assessment process

6. If there's opposition or objection

If your renewal is opposed, or objected to by a member of the public, you may be able to resolve the issue through discussion or by making a change to your application (for example, reducing your hours). If you prefer not to negotiate or change your application, you'll have a chance to present your case at a hearing.

If there's opposition or objection to your alcohol licence application

7. If your renewal is approved

You'll be notified by mail or email.

You can continue selling alcohol at your business while your renewal application is being processed, as long as you continue to meet all the requirements of being a licence holder.

Legal requirements for licence holders

Need help?

The Alcohol Licensing team is available by appointment. Fees may apply.

Alcohol Licensing
Phone: 04 801 3760

Meet with an alcohol licensing inspector