Collecting ashes
Ashes can be collected 24 hours after the cremation.
Special arrangements can be made for collecting ashes earlier, but additional costs may apply.
Ashes can only be collected by the funeral director or the person who arranged the cremation.
They can either:
- collect the remains within 5 working days
- arrange an attended or unattended ash burial
- arrange an attended or unattended ash scattering.
Scattering ashes
Places you can’t scatter ashes
- The sea, because scattering ashes is tapu in areas where kaimoana (seafood) is gathered, and is not culturally acceptable
- Areas of cultural or heritage significance, for example, Māori heritage sites
- High public use sites, for example, sports fields and botanic gardens - including the Rose Garden at the Botanic Garden
- Sites that have plans for extensive upgrades, renovations or excavations
- Unsafe sites, for example steep hillsides.
In cemetery grounds
In cemetery grounds, you can either have an unattended or attended scattering.
At Karori Cemetery there are designated areas for scattering ashes. Contact the Cemetery to find out where you can do this.
Phone: 04 476 6109
Type of ash scattering