Tūpiki Ora Māori Strategy

Our Tūpiki Ora Māori strategy and action plan, and Tākai Here mana whenua partnership agreement.

Tūpiki Ora is a metaphor for the pursuit of wellbeing and establishes the shared commitment of Wellington City Council, mana whenua and Māori, to seeking new ways to support our whānau to thrive. It supports a Māori-led response to uplifting the state of wellbeing of whānau, anchored in the whakapapa relationships between people, place and nature.

While this strategy focuses on the next 10 years, we recognise that our collective aspirations extend well beyond this timeframe. Wellington City Council is committed to ensuring that the decisions made over the next 10 years will be felt positively by the mokopuna of Pōneke in 50 years’ time. The approval of Tūpiki Ora is a critical decision within the historical context of the city over the last 182 years.

Tūpiki Ora follows on from the signing of the Tākai Here partnership agreement between mana whenua and Wellington City Council, on 29 April 2022.

The strategy will be supported by an action plan approved by the Pūroro Rangaranga Social, Cultural and Economic Committee on 1 September 2022.

Tūpiki Ora Māori Strategy (3.4MB PDF)