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Safe and Sustainable Transport Forum

Meeting agenda


  • Cllr Andy Foster (chair) and Cllr Justin Lester
  • Wellington City Council: Steve Spence, Charles Kingsford, Paul Barker, Emma Hope and Anna Blomquist
  • Living Streets Aotearoa: Ellen Blake
  • Cycle Aware Wellington: James Burgess and David Laing
  • Bikers Rights Organisation New Zealand: Byron Cummins
  • Sustainability Trust: Christina Bellis
  • Automobile Association: Alex Gray
  • Accessibility Advisory group: Paula Booth
  • Regional Public Health: Heather Knewstubb and Anna Frampton
  • Accident Compensation Corporation: Jo Vilipaama
  • Great Wellington Regional Council: Simon Kennett
  • New Zealand Transport Agency: Jeff Scoringe
  • New Zealand Police: Richard Hocken, Jason McCarthy, Morgan Gray and Aaron Dann
  • Youth Council: Timothy Rutherford
  • Plunket Car Seat Rentals


  1. Welcome (Cllr Foster)
  2. Apologies and Introductions (Cllr Foster)
  3. Previous meeting minutes (Cllr Foster)
  4. Victoria Street Project update (Anna Harley - WCC)
  5. Membership and Terms of Reference (Anna Blomquist and the Rational Transport Society)
  6. Parking wardens and vehicles on footpaths (Living Streets)
  7. Policy framework (Cllr Foster)
  8. Agency updates (All)
  9. Safe and Sustainable transport education updates on current main projects (Anna Blomquist)
  10. General business


Council and Committee meetings are livestreamed on our YouTube page. This includes any public participation at the meeting. (The video will display here when it is available.)

Community Board, Advisory Group, Forum and District Licensing Committee meetings are not livestreamed.

Attending and speaking at meetings

You can attend or give your opinion at a Council, committee, or community board meeting. Advisory groups are also open to the public, but follow different rules.

Attending and speaking at meetings


Information and recommendations contained in all agendas and reports are recommendations only and are not to be construed in any way, as Council policy until adopted. Minutes are unconfirmed until confirmed at a subsequent meeting.