Meeting agenda
Minutes for Confirmation
Wednesday 9 February 2011
Wednesday 16 March 2011
Conflict of Interest Declarations
Public Participation
The following items are scheduled to be taken after the exclusion of the public
Report 1
District Plan Change 67 – Environment Court Appeal
Report 2
District Plan Change 72 (Residential) and District Plan Change 73 Suburban Centres - Appeals
Report 3
District Plan Change 72 (Residential) Appeal
Resolution to Exclude the Public
THAT the Regulatory Processes Committee:
1. Pursuant to the provisions of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, resolve that the public be excluded from the following part of the proceedings of this meeting namely:
Report 1 - District Plan Change 67 – Environment Court Appeal
Grounds: Section 48(1) (a) that public conduct of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist under Section 7
Reason: Section 7(2) (g) maintain legal professional privilege.
Section 7(2) (i) to enable the Council to carry out negotiations without prejudice or disadvantage
Report 2 - District Plan Change 72 (Residential) and District Plan Change 73 Suburban Centres - Appeals
Grounds: Section 48(1) (a) that public conduct of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist under Section 7
Reason: Section 7(2) (g) maintain legal professional privilege.
Section 7(2) (i) to enable the Council to carry out negotiations without prejudice or disadvantage
Report 3 - District Plan Change 72 (Residential) Appeal
Grounds: Section 48(1) (a) that public conduct of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist under Section 7
Reason: Section 7(2) (g) maintain legal professional privilege.
Section 7(2) (i) to enable the Council to carry out negotiations without prejudice or disadvantage
Council and Committee meetings are livestreamed on our YouTube page. This includes any public participation at the meeting. (The video will display here when it is available.)
Community Board, Advisory Group, Forum and District Licensing Committee meetings are not livestreamed.