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Whakahekenga utu mō te kaipupuri kurī haepapa
Accredited dog owner discount

To reward dog owners who go the extra mile, the Council offers a reduced dog registration fee for those who achieve Accredited Dog Owner (ADO) status.

Reduced dog registration fee

There are currently around 2,500 Wellingtonians enjoying an annual discounted rate on their dog registration. For the current discount rates for Accredited Dog Owners, see: Registration - Fees

Note that the ADO has replaced the previous Responsible Dog Owner (RDO) status. This change recognises that all dog owners are expected to be responsible, regardless of their status in the Council scheme.

How to qualify

You can apply for Accredited Dog Owner status if you meet the following criteria:

  • You comply with the Wellington Animal Bylaw 2024 regarding dogs.
  • If you keep your dog outside, you ensure their kennels are weatherproof and hygienic.
  • The outdoor area your dog has access to is fully fenced. The fence must be well-built and high enough to prevent your dog from jumping over.
  • You can provide the Council with one of the following:
  • A valid pass certificate from the Council’s Accredited Dog Owner Course.
  • A certificate from an approved third-party obedience course, showing completion up to Level 2 or equivalent.

Note: The fencing does not need to cover the entire property. A portion of the yard is acceptable if it securely contains your dog. If you live in a property without direct outdoor access (such as an apartment), fencing requirements may not apply. If you are renting and are unable to install permanent fixtures, please contact the Council to discuss acceptable alternatives.

You can't apply for ADO status if you have:

  • been convicted of an offence under the Dog Control Act 1996 or related offences under the Animal Welfare Act 1999, Conservation Act 1987, or National Parks Act 1980
  • received a late payment penalty for your dog registration in the last year
  • been classified as a probationary or disqualified dog owner
  • received an infringement notice or written warning from a warranted Animal Control Officer in the last year
  • received a substantiated complaint about your dogs’ behaviour in the last year.

How to apply

Before you apply, make sure you meet the ADO criteria set out above, as there is no refund if we decline your ADO application.

ADO applications for the 2025/26 registration period close on 30 April 2025.
Applications for the 2026/2027 registration period will open on 1 September 2025 and close on 30 April 2026.

You can complete the online application form below or download the PDF version of the form and send it to

Apply for ADO status

ADO application cost

A one-time application fee of $139.00 is required in addition to your annual registration fee.

Application results

The Council will notify you of your application results. If you are successful, the discount is automatically applied to your next annual registration fee. The discount applies to all dogs in your household for as long as you hold ADO status.

Upcoming ADO courses

This is a theory-based course and covers:

  • what you need to know about our Animal Bylaw and Dog Policy
  • unique wildlife challenges in Wellington and
  • your key responsibilities as a dog owner.

A test will be given out at the end of the course. You can complete the test onsite or later on and email it to us. You'll receive a copy of your score and, if you pass, a certificate will be emailed to you to attach to your ADO application. 

If you're bringing someone with you, please let us know. Note, this a no-dog event, so leave your pets at home. This course is for Wellington City Council registered dog owners only.

April 2025 ADO course

Āhea | When: 6-7pm, Wednesday 2 April 2025
Ki hea | Where: Ākau Tangi Sports Centre, 72 Kemp Street | View on Google maps
Te utu | Cost: Free

Please email your expression of interest to by 5pm, Thursday 27 March.

Keeping your ADO status

You could lose your ADO status or have it temporarily deactivated in certain circumstances.

Temporary deactivation of ADO status

Your ADO status will be deactivated under either of the following circumstances:

  • If your residential address is no longer in Wellington City, either temporarily or permanently. 
  • If you no longer have any dogs registered with Wellington City Council (for example, if your dog passes away).

There is no charge to reactivate your ADO status within 24 months of deactivation.

Cancellation of ADO status

Your ADO status will be permanently cancelled if you:

  • are convicted of an offence under the Dog Control Act 1996, or a dog-related offence under the Animal Welfare Act 1999, Conservation Act 1987 or National Parks Act 1980
  • are classified as a probationary or disqualified dog owner
  • have your dog impounded.

Your ADO status will be cancelled, and you must wait one year before reapplying if you:

  • fail to pay dog registration fees by the prescribed penalty deadline
  • receive an infringement notice or written warning from a warranted Animal Control Officer
  • have received at least one substantiated complaint (a complaint reviewed and found to have merit by the Council)
  • fail to notify the Council of a change in residential address within 30 calendar days of moving.

Change of address

If you move within Wellington City you will need to let us know, as your new home may need to be inspected to maintain your ADO status. There is a one-time fee of $87 for an Animal Control Officer to complete this inspection.

Contact us

If you have any questions, contact the Dogs Team.

Phone: 04 499 4444


Postal address:
PO Box 2199, Wellington 6140