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Green waste

Green waste must be separated from general waste and taken to the dedicated green waste drop off area within the Transfer Station at the Southern Landfill. Reduced charges apply.

Various tree and plant material deposited at a Green Waste drop-off point.

Please note you do need to separate out certain items (see below) from your green waste before you come to the landfill.

What you can include in your green waste

You can dispose of the following green waste at the landfill's transfer station:

  • lawn clippings
  • weeds
  • tree prunings less than 50cm in diameter
  • logs less than 50cm in diameter.

Items not to include in your green waste

Don't include any of the following in your green waste:

  • flax (harakeke, wharariki)
  • bamboo
  • cabbage tree (ti kouka) and other species of the cordyline family
  • kitchen waste
  • any plants or plant material infected with myrtle rust.

We can’t accept flax, bamboo, and cabbage tree because the fibres wrap around the machinery used to process green waste, and the fibres do not break down during the composting process.

Check out our before you visit section before dropping off your waste.

Putting Wellington's green waste to good use

We take your green waste and with regular turning and temperature monitoring turn it into compost and garden products within just three months. Find out more about our Capital Compost process and product range.


A note on myrtle rust disposal

Please inform the weighbridge staff if the green waste you are disposing of is contaminated or suspected to be contaminated with myrtle rust as we will need to dispose of it appropriately.

Save on tip fees


Find out how you can compost your kitchen and garden waste at home.

Schools and preschools

We offer free waste education, worm farms or compost bins for preschools and schools.