Outline plan of works on designated land

An outline plan of works lets us know about proposed work on a designated site.

When an outline plan is needed

A requiring authority, such as a government department, can propose work on a designated site that would usually require resource consent by submitting an outline plan of works. 

Designated land for public works and network utilities

An outline plan isn't needed if:

  • approval has already been granted under the Resource Management Act
  • the proposed work is incorporated into the designation – for example, if the Notice of Requirement included detail about the proposed work
  • we waive the requirement through an outline plan waiver.

If the proposed plans change the specified use of the designated area

If the plans change the use of the designated area – for example, changing a a classroom into something that isn't ancillary to the purposes of a school – you will need to apply for a resource consent instead.

Resource consents

Outline plan waivers

Outline plan waivers are for works that don't necessarily need an outline plan – for example, replacing windows or constructing outdoor stairs within a school.

We may decide to waive the requirement for an outline plan after considering:

  • the nature and level of the proposed works
  • the likely effects of the proposed work or project.

A requiring authority can also request an outline plan waiver if they don't think an outline plan is necessary. We recommend discussing this with us first before making the request.

How to apply

1. Know what to provide

For an outline plan or outline plan waiver, the requiring authority must submit a letter that states:

  • the height, shape, and bulk of the activity
  • the location of the site
  • the likely finished contour of the site
  • vehicle access and any parking 
  • the landscaping proposed
  • any other matters to avoid, remedy, or mitigate any adverse effects on the environment.

2. Submit your application and pay the fee

Download the form

Request for Outline Plan/Outline Plan Waiver (107KB PDF)

It costs $1,750 to submit an outline plan. The plan should be submitted before any construction takes place.

An outline plan waiver costs $505.

3. We assess the application

Outline plans

It takes up to 20 working days for us to assess an outline plan. In that time, we may contact the requiring authority to recommend changes to the plan. If the requiring authority hasn't received confirmation after 20 working days – and we haven't formally extended the time frame – they can start work on the site.

Outline plan waivers

The assessment of an outline plan waiver usually takes fewer than 20 working days.

Contact us

The Resource Consents team is available Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm.

Phone: 04 801 3590

Email: planning@wcc.govt.nz