Who to consult with
The Tira Poutama-Iwi Partnerships team can advise which iwi to consult with. Email TiraPoutama@wcc.govt.nz
Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira
Phone: 04 238 4952
Email: resource.consents@ngatitoa.iwi.nz
Website: ngatitoa.iwi.nz
Postal address: PO Box 50355, Takapuwahia, Porirua 5022
Street address: 2/4 Nohorua Street, Takapuwahia, Porirua 5022
Port Nicholson Block Settlement Trust
Phone: 04 472 3872
Email: reception@portnicholson.org.nz
Website: portnicholson.org.nz
Postal address: PO Box 12164, Thorndon, Wellington 6144
Street address: Tramways Building, 1–3 Thorndon Quay, Thorndon, Wellington 6011
Preparing for the consultation
When approaching mana whenua to consult over a proposal, you'll be expected to:
- give them access to all relevant consent information
- be willing to meet face-to-face
- respect their views.
Mana whenua have the right to:
- declare their interests in an application
- make submissions on a notified application and be heard at a hearing.
Your proposal is assessed by tribal authorities
After considering your proposal, tribal authorities will advise on an appropriate approach – either an "accidental discovery" consent condition, or a cultural impact assessment (CIA).
Accidental discovery condition
This ensures that the correct procedures are followed if any artefacts of archaeological significance are uncovered during earthworks
Cultural impact assessment (CIA)
A CIA is a report prepared by the tribal authority (or their nominee). It documents mana whenua cultural values, interests and associations with an area or natural resource.
A CIA is expert advice on how a proposal might impact on cultural heritage – it's not approval for your consent. The Council will take the CIA into account when considering your application.