We are considering granting a new licence and lease on reserve land.
Proposed new leases and licence:
1. Proposing a new licence for Ōwhiro Bay Community Garden Incorporated located at Frobisher Street Reserve (94a Happy Valley Road).
- Leased Area: Approximately 749² of Frobisher Street Reserve, legally described as Lot 1 on Deposited Plan 81196 WN47C/673
- Lease Fee: Annual Rent Fee $1 + GST per annum
- Lease Term: Five years, with one renewal term of five years
2. Proposing a new lease to Conservation Volunteers New Zealand located at Truby King Park on Historic Reserve.
- New Leased Area: Approximately 398² at Truby King Park, legally described as Lot 2 Deposited Plan 12692 and Lot 1 Deposited Plan 80801 WN47B/601
- Lease Fee: Annual Rent Fee $31,468.71 + GST per annum
- Lease term: five years with one renewal term of five years
For more information about the proposed lease, please refer to the Koata Hātepe | Regulatory Processes Committee report.
If you have any objections or would like to make a submission, you can send us your comments:
- by email to Sarah, one of our Community Recreation Lease Advisors, at: PSRLeasing@wcc.govt.nz
- by letter to: Community Recreation Leases Advisor, Parks, Sport and Recreation, Wellington City Council, PO Box 2199, Wellington 6140
All submissions must be received by 5pm on 8 April 2025.
If you have any questions about the submissions or lease process, please contact Sarah, one of our Community Recreation Lease Advisors, at: PSRLeasing@wcc.govt.nz