Description of proposal
The proposal is to stop 83m² portion of legal road land on Connaught Terrace, Brooklyn.
The Council has determined that it no longer requires this land for public road purposes and the land is surplus to operational requirements.
The land (Section 1 SO 610469) adjoins 1B Connaught Terrace, Brooklyn (Lot 3 DP 10337, held on ROT 742999). Once the 83m²of road land is stopped, the land titles will be amalgamated, and the combined site is intended to be sold.
Any future buildings or activities on the land will be governed by the Wellington City Council District Plan once stopped.
Objections to this proposal must be lodged in writing with Jacob Reese-Jones, Property Advisory.
Submissions can be:
- posted to PO Box 2199, Wellington 6140
- dropped off to Council reception at Level 16, 113 The Terrace
- emailed to
All submissions must be received by 5pm, Tuesday 13 March 2025.