Road stopping – 7 Lemnos Avenue, Karori

Status Closed
Start date 7 June 2024
Closed date 19 July 2024
Location Adjoining 7 Lemnos Avenue, Karori
Area 51m2

Description of proposal

Wellington City Council, under section 342(1) of the Local Government Act 1974, proposes to ‘stop’ 51 m² of legal-road land (the Land) on Lemnos Avenue.

Council has determined that it no longer requires this land for public road purposes and that the land is surplus to operational requirements.

The Land (Sections 1 and 2 SO 597532) adjoins 7 Lemnos Avenue, Karori (Lot 13 DP 3361, held on ROT WN312/108). Once the 51 m2 of road land is stopped, Section 1 SO 597532 will be sold to the owner of 7 Lemnos Avenue and the land titles amalgamated. Section 2 SO 597532 will remain in Council ownership.

Once the land is stopped, any future buildings or activities thereon will be governed by the Wellington City Council District Plan.


Notice of intention (251KB PDF)
Committee report 24 August 2023 (4.1MB PDF)
Council minutes 7 September 2023 (193KB PDF)
Survey Office Title Plan (117KB PDF)


To make a submission on the proposed road stopping, you can: 

  • send it in writing to:
    Jacob Reese-Jones
    Property Advisory
    Wellington City Council
    PO Box 2199 
    Wellington 6140
  • deliver it in person to: 
    Wellington City Council reception 
    Level 16 
    113 The Terrace 


All submissions must be received by 5pm on Friday 19 July 2024.