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Traffic Management changes affecting Central Terrace, Glasgow Street and Upland Road

Petition details

Banning the right hand turn out of Central Terrace onto Glasgow Street & creating a roundabout at the intersection of Glasgow Street & Upland Road. This is a very dangerous turn and the safety of all people both driving up the hill and turning from Central Terrace into the traffic needs to be considered. The position of the pedestrian crossing at the Upland Road intersection also needs addressing.

Submitted by Lisa Locke
Opened 26 August 2011
Closed 26 October 2011
Status Presented

Background information

Cars tend to speed around this area and as a result the turn and crossing which already have poor visibility are extremely dangerous. As cars are becoming quieter the risks are increased. At certain times of the year sun strike is also an issue at the pedestrian crossing.


Signatures: 93

What happened to this petition?

This petition closed for signatures on 26 October 2011.

The petition was presented to the Strategy and Policy Committee on 23 February 2012.

Download Officers' Response (125KB PDF)