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Lost and impounded dogs

Find out what to do if your dog has been impounded or lost in Wellington City.

Animal Services officers have the right to seize and impound any wandering dog.

Check the following information about what to do if you find or lose a dog, and impounding costs.

Lost and impounded dogs may be held at the shelter facilities at Moa Point or Seaview.

To find out where your dog is being held, opening hours for collection and fees that are due, call us on 04 499 4444.


No dog will be released until all costs have been paid. Failure to claim an impounded dog does not relieve the owner from costs.

Item Fee
First impounding $115
Second impounding in same registration year $185
Third and subsequent impounding $246
Daily sustenance fee $21
After hours callout $33
Micro-chipping $39

Lost dogs

If you have lost your dog, call us on 499 4444. You may also want to contact neighbours and post photos and descriptions on local noticeboards.

Microchipping and registration helps make sure that if your dog is found, it can be identified and you can be contacted quickly.

Strays and impounding

You are legally responsible for keeping your dog under control at all times. Failure to do so is an offence under Section 53 of the Dog Control Act with a fine of up to $3,000 or an infringement fee of $200.

If your dog is found roaming it will be impounded at your expense.

If your dog is identifiable, you will be notified by phone or written notice. You cannot take your dog home from the dog shelter until you have paid your fine.

Unclaimed dogs

Dogs that are unclaimed after seven days become the property of Wellington City Council and they can be adopted or put down.

Adopt a dog

Dogs adopted through Animal Services, SPCA or HUHA qualify for a fee discount in the first year of registration. For details, see Dogs - Fees

If you'd like to adopt a dog, visit:

Other lost animals

Other animals are occasionally impounded. If you have lost a family pet, call us on 04 499 4444.

Found or problem dogs

To report a stray or nuisance dog, call us on 04 499 4444.

Contact us

If you have any questions, contact the Dogs Team.

Phone: 04 499 4444


Postal address:
PO Box 2199, Wellington 6140