Artist residencies

We manage and support artist residency programmes.

We support a number of artist residency programmes to enable an exchange of art practices and ideas, locally and internationally.

Emerging Producer Internship

Write Room Wellington is a screenwriter residency programme offered in partnership with POP Film, the Council’s Aho Tini 2030 Arts, Culture and Creativity Strategy, and Wellington’s Unesco City of Film Program.

Each year an emerging or mid-career Producer is selected to shadow the process of selecting a screenwriter to undertake the 12-week residency at the Toi Pōneke Arts Centre.

Submissions are due by 5pm, 25 July 2022.

For more details and to make a submission for the Producer Internship please visit Toi Pōneke’s Arts Centre.

Past residencies

These programmes contributed to building Wellington’s international profile as a creative capital and to nurturing cultural diversity in the arts.

We contributed to these residencies with funding and/or accommodation at the Bolton Street Sexton’s Cottage, one of Wellington’s oldest homes, managed by the Council.

Arts organisations or institutions interested in accommodating artists at the Bolton Street Cottage can email for more information.