Active Education
News and information for schools and their communities.
Active Wellington
A regular newsletter to keep you up to date with latest news and information about Wellington’s parks, sport and recreation sector.
Building Compliance and Consents Kōrero
A quarterly newsletter to keep you up to date about any changes, issues and important information around the building compliance and consenting process.
City Arts Pānui
A monthly update on what's happening in the arts at the Council. Includes news about workshops, exhibitions and other activities at Toi Pōneke.
LeisureCard news
A monthly newsletter for all LeisureCard members. Includes news, updates and other activities.
Nōna te Ao
A newsletter promoting Māori news, information and events in the capital, now produced quarterly.
City Safety and Wellbeing News
Updates on our renewed approach to safety in Pōneke, through our new City Safety and Wellbeing Plan.
This Week In Our Wellington
Your weekly guide to life in the capital.
Archives newsletter
Find out about some of the coolest archives we've found, articles about the history of Wellington, and a little bit of behind the scenes from our archivists in the quarterly Archives newsletter.
Your Library
Get the latest news and information about events, programmes, resources and services available across our 14 branches by reading the monthly Wellington City Libraries enewsletter.