Urban Dream Brokerage
Supported by Wellington City Council, Urban Dream Brokerage works with property stakeholders, artists, individuals, and community groups, to broker the temporary use of space, be it public or commercial, empty or underutilised, for innovative projects assisting in urban revitalisation.
They provide space for new community-building ideas from artists, creatives, and social practitioners, and for artists and community groups to collaborate and develop.
Check out the exciting work they do to foster creativity in our city – visit the Urban Dream Brokerage website.
Arts Access Aotearoa
Arts Access Aotearoa | Putanga Toi ki Aotearoa’s purpose is to increase access to the arts for people who experience barriers to participation as artists, performers, audience members, and gallery and museum visitors. It does this by working in the disability, mental health and Deaf communities, and through a network of community arts organisations called creative spaces. It also works with the professional arts sector to help them improve their access to Deaf and disabled audiences.
For spaces available in the Wellington region, see the creative spaces directory on Arts Access Aotearoa website.