Land Information Memorandum (LIM)

A LIM is the most comprehensive report you can get on a property. LIMs include historical and current information on commercial and residential properties.

If you are interested in selling or buying a property, you can apply for a Land Information Memorandum (LIM) to help you thoroughly check it out.


What a LIM includes

A LIM is a comprehensive report that has all relevant information the Council knows about a property or section, including:

  • any special feature of the land Council knows about including:
    • the downhill movement of any land
    • gradual sinking or wearing away of any land
    • the falling of rock or earth from or onto a property
    • any flooding that affects a property
    • possible contamination or hazardous substances
  • information the Council holds on private and public stormwater and sewerage drains
  • rates information
  • any consents, notices, orders or requisitions affecting the land or buildings
  • District Plan classifications that relate to the land or buildings
  • any other classifications on the land or buildings notified to the Council by network utility operators in relation to the Building Act 2004
  • any other information the Council deems relevant.

What a LIM doesn't include

A LIM doesn't include the building permit and consent plans or documents.

If you need the documents, which may include floor plans, use our building consent search service.


What you'll need to apply for a LIM

When applying for a LIM, please remember to attach a recent Record of Title (up to three months old), to your LIM application, as we are unable to process your request without this documentation.

A Record of Title is available through LINZ  (Land Information New Zealand).  Please ensure you choose the ‘Current Title’ option when ordering the Record of Title online.


Apply and pay for a LIM

Apply online

All LIM applications will be acknowledged by email. If you do not receive confirmation by email within two working days, email or call 04 801 4303.

LIMs will be sent to the email address you supply when applying.



Service Charge
LIM: Residential $552.50
LIM: Non-residential base fee $1,289.00
LIM: Per hour after seven hours $171.50
Fast Track Single Residential LIM – additional fee (must be requested on application of a LIM and not available on multi-unit properties) $276.50
Fast Track Multi Residential LIM – additional fee (must be requested on application of a LIM and for multi-unit properties only)
Fast Track Non-residential LIM – additional fee (must be requested on application of a LIM and for non-residential properties only)

All charges include GST.

Any materials expenses are not included in these prices and are additional charges.

Cancellation fees

A cancellation fee is applied based on the number of elapsed days from the date of request.

Refunds issued if cancelled Refund
Within 1 working day $310.50
Between 1 and 3 working days $235.50
After 3 working days $135.25

If the final process of compiling a LIM has already begun when you notify us that a LIM is not required, there will be no refund. In these cases, the LIM will be issued.


Processing time

A LIM usually takes up to 10 working days to process.

A LIM Fast-track takes 5 days. Applications can only be considered when requested within one business day of the LIM being ordered and are accepted on a case by case basis.

These timeframes exclude public holidays and do not apply for the period 20 December - 10 January.


A LIM is issued under legislation

Information on land and property is sourced from Council records, with the Council obliged to make it available on request under Section 44A of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.

Contact us

Business Services – LIM team

Phone: 04 801 4303


Postal address: PO Box 2199
Wellington 6140