About the project
The Civic Administration Building (CAB) in Te Ngākau Civic Square had irreparable earthquake damage. It has been demolished to make way for the redevelopment of the CAB and Municipal Office Building (MOB) site.
Demolition work began in late March 2024, with the main demolition from July to December. The main demolition was completed in December 2024.
The redevelopment of the CAB and MOB site is a key part of restoring the heart of our capital city – Te Ngākau Civic Square.
- 26 March 2024: Hoardings went up around the building.
- 1 April 2024: CAB soft strip began. A soft strip is furniture, fixtures and so on from inside the building being removed in preparation for demolition.
- Late May / early June 2024: Hoardings extended to close off Victoria Street entrance into Te Ngākau Civic Square.
- June - September 2024: Wakefield Street fully closed to traffic for four months, with pedestrian access on the south side.
- July 2024: Main CAB demolition began. 10-12 weeks of crane work from July to September, pedestrian access remained.
- Friday 8 November 2024: North-west bound lane of Wakefield Street reopened to private vehicles.
- December 2024: CAB main demolition complete.
- February 2025: CAB site demolition entirely complete.
- December 2025: Wakefield Street reopens to all traffic after the demolition of the Municipal Office Building (MOB) is complete.
Contact us
If you have questions or concerns, email: TeNgakau@wcc.govt.nz