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Karori Event Centre

The Karori Event Centre is one of multiple capital projects that Council is considering as part of the Long-term Plan amendment process.

Karori Event Centre front entrace, with foliage in the foreground and fundraising signs in the window.


On 26 November 2024, the Mayor and Councillors met to vote on changes to the capital plan which will be put forward for community consultation as part of the Long-term Plan (LTP) amendment process.

This included selecting an option to remove funding to complete the Karori Event Centre, stop the project, and provide further advice on next steps for the building. 

A final decision about the future of the Karori Event Centre has not been made yet. 

Councillors will make the final decision and adopt the amended LTP in June 2025 once community feedback has been considered.

What you need to know

The Karori Event Centre was funded by Karori residents along with a number of community and national organisations, including Wellington City Council.

It was built to replace three separate halls at this location including the former St John’s Church. 

In 2013, Council agreed a new hall was needed and it would be funded in part by the proceeds of the sale of the St John’s Church site and by community fundraising.

The Karori Event Centre was gifted to the Council by the Karori Community Hall Trust (the Trust) in December 2022 with the intention that the Council would fund the completion of the project. $1.9m was allocated by the Council at the time for this work. 

The building requires significant work to achieve building code compliance including fire rating the north facade and flood protection work, and repairs as it has experienced significant damage from water ingress over time. The current cost estimate to achieve building code compliance for the building is $3.3m. This would be an extra $1.3m than what was budgeted for in the 2024-34 Long-term Plan. More funding would also be required to complete the fitout to allow the building to open. The Trust have committed to funding the seating block and to fundraise kitchen items. 

More than $3m was contributed to the Trust for the construction of the building, including donations and grants from WCC, philanthropic organisations and the Karori community. If this proposal is progressed, advice will be provided to Council on how the $1m of funding to the project donated by the Karori community can be allocated to another appropriate community facility or project in Karori. 

Options for the next steps for the Karori Event Centre include: 

Option 1: Sell the site as-is (preferred)

We would run a process to identify a preferred purchaser for the site. We would ensure the Karori Community Hall Trust is provided an opportunity to put forward a tender. The purchaser would be responsible for either completing the work required to use the building or demolishing the building and replacing it with something else.

Option 2: Demolition and remediation of the site

Demolishing the current structure, removing all materials (recycling where possible) and returning the site to a bare state. This could provide an opportunity for community use of the site in the short-term, similar to the night and farmers markets held on the St John site throughout 2024. The cost of this option is approximately $300k.

Option 3: Demolition and remediation of the site, followed by sale

Council would demolish and remediate the site, returning it to a bare state before the site is sold. The cost to demolish and remediate the site is approximately $300k but avoids the risk of the building remaining in its current state for longer than necessary. It also provides an opportunity for community use of the space while a preferred developer is identified and the design and consent work is undertaken. 

Option 4: Increase of capex budget to achieve building compliance 

Allows for the work required to achieve building compliance to be undertaken. This would not include the cost of completing the fit out of the building to allow it to be opened and used by the community (for example, walls would not be painted and there would be no furniture or kitchen equipment, heating or cooling). An increase in the capex budget of $1.3m would be required for this option. 

Having your say 

You can find out more about the LTP amendment consultation process on our Let's Talk website. Residents who sign up for the Let’s Talk newsletter will get an email when public consultation on the LTP amendment opens. 

Timeline for the amended LTP process

26 November 2024 - LTP Committee decides on options for consultation 
17 December 2024 - Committee approves draft budget 
13 March 2025 - Consultation document finalised 
20 March 2025 - Public consultation opens 
21 April 2025 - Public consultation closes 
25 June 2025 - LTP amendment adopted by Committee 
26 June 2025 - LTP amendment adopted by Council 

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