Johnsonville-Moorefield Roundabout improvements project

We want to make it safer for all road users (including pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles) to use the intersection at Johnsonville and Moorefield Roads in Johnsonville.

The current roundabout layout at this intersection has a high crash rate, with 61 non-injury crashes reported and 16 resulting in injury between 2010-2019.

To look at ways we can make the high crash-rate intersection safer for all road users, the first step was to conduct a survey with the local community. The survey was to understand how safe they felt it was, what the main issues were with it, and how they felt it could be made safer.

Overview of survey

A survey was conducted during October and November 2021 seeking feedback from the community to find out how safe and accessible they believed the intersection is currently. There were 917 responses to the survey from people using or living near the roundabout. Most responses were online, though some mailed in the survey form left in community hubs nearby.

Most respondents agreed the roundabout was of concern, with 56% of drivers saying they didn’t feel safe using the roundabout. At the same time, 70% of cyclists and 80% of pedestrians said they didn’t feel safe using the intersection and nearby crossing.

Most gave their main reasons for not feeling safe as:

  • the speed of traffic entering the intersection
  • numerous incidents of indicating incorrectly or not at all when changing lanes
  • drivers failing to give way when they should
  • long queues at the Johnsonville Road entrance making drivers impatient and act rashly
  • difficulty of getting into the intersection at various points, especially with traffic in the right lane blocking vision of traffic approaching.

You can find out more detail about the survey responses here:

Johnsonville roundabout survey results (280KB PDF)

Next steps and important dates 

  • Scheme design: July - August 2024
  • Evaluation on feasibility and affordability: September - October 2024
  • Business Case development seeking approval: November - December 2024

Contact us

If you have any questions please contact the Transport and Infrastructure Team.