Box Hill and Station Road intersection safety improvements

We are proposing to improvements to the Box Hill intersection to make the area safer and optimise traffic flow.

Boxhill intersection is a t-junction with a pedestrian crossing.


July 2024

The construction of Box Hill and Station Road Intersection Improvement started in late June following two letters dropped to residents advising the work and timeline. It is expected to be completed in September.

Following the completion of the primary work, resurfacing work on Box Hill will begin, once the new kerbs have properly settled. This sequence ensures that all improvements are robust and long-lasting.

This work is weather dependent and in the event of unsuitable weather or other unforeseen circumstances, the work could be delayed, and the above timeline altered.

Impact on residents, businesses, and traffic will be minimised and managed while work is carried out.

Latest general layout design (3.8MB PDF)

April 2024

The public traffic resolution engagement for the Box Hill and Station Road Intersection started on 6 December 2023 and closed on 15 January 2024. We received 9 responses – 4 in support, 1 in opposition and 2 neutral.

The design has been updated following the feedback received and now is progressed to a 90% detailed design. Council Officers have started preparing for the construction work which aims to begin by June 2024.

November 2023

We talked to local businesses, residents, and the community on the proposed changes for the Box Hill and Station Road intersection in the pre-engagement phase from October 2023 to November 2023. We have received 83 comments with 70% in support and 15% in opposition.

September 2023

The Council adopted the Paneke Pōneke (Bike Network Plan) in March 2022, which sets out the Council’s approach to create a safe, connected and high-quality network of routes for biking and scooting. Box Hill Road and Burma Road were identified as the primary streets in this plan. Therefore, the investigation of options for future proofs of Paneke Poneke was undertaken.

The project team is currently investigating the feasibility and affordability of the proposed options with the consideration of future bike lanes.

March 2022

As a result of our engagement with the community we are now also investigating the feasibility of fully signalising the intersection. This was an option discounted due to the cost but has since been re-evaluated. We will therefore be engaging with the community when this option has been further developed.

We also now have confirmation that Wellington City Council and KiwiRail have agreed a way to keep the footpath alongside the railway open and usable by pedestrians. We will be working on the footpath soon to carry out these works.

May 2021

Kiwirail track upgrade

We were advised by Kiwirail of their plan to upgrade a section of track near the level crossing at Khandallah Station. As part of the upgrade, Kiwirail are proposing to permanently close the parallel footpath to meet current rail safety requirements. 

At a community meeting on 20 April, Kiwirail and Wellington City Council agreed to work together to investigate safe solutions to retain the footpath.

This means the design phase of the Box Hill intersection works will be delayed until the investigation is complete. Our main concern with a potential footpath closure is that more pedestrians will use the intersection and we’ll need to include this eventuality in our design.

January 2021

We are working on the feasibility and detailed design as well as a safety audit and review of traffic signals at the intersection.


In September 2019 a Petition was presented to the City Strategy Committee highlighting safety concerns at the Burma Road, Box Hill, Station Road and Baroda Street intersection in Khandallah.

In July 2020 we sought feedback from the public on safety improvements through an online survey, that was sent out to key stakeholders and the Khandallah community.

We had a good response with more than 580 respondents answering the survey. There were 448 respondents who live near the intersection. 

Box Hill survey results (280KB PDF)

The feedback was used to develop a range of options and criteria for a preferred option.

In December 2020 we invited the Khandallah community to a presentation which was attended by 35 members of the community. The presentation highlighted the decision-making process on creating a long list of options to a preferred option of a signalised pedestrian crossing. Council is now considering this option and conducting a safety audit and review.

Contact us

If you have further queries about this project please contact us.