Te Awe Māpara - Community Facilities Plan

This plan guides the Council’s decision-making about community facilities in Wellington.

About the plan

The plan was adopted on 23 November 2023.

Community facilities are places where people can play, connect, exercise, create, be inspired, develop a sense of belonging, and improve health and wellbeing. We’ve developed Te Awe Māpara - the Community Facilities Plan to guide how the Council provides and makes decisions about community facilities in Wellington.

The mission of the plan is to have "thriving and accessible community facilities - where people connect, have fun and belong".

The plan includes 58 actions to undertake a variety of investigations in partnership with the community in response to identified delivery or facility issues.

Te Awe Māpara – Community Facilities Plan (7.8MB PDF)

Te Awe Māpara - Word version (2.3MB DOCX)

Supporting documents

In November 2022, we carried out a city-wide needs analysis. Part of this involved hearing what is important to you about facilities and what you would like to see in the future. We had over 5,700 responses to our surveys and this feedback informed the development of the plan.

The needs analysis found that:

  • While many people value and use our facilities, there is low awareness of some.
  • There were calls for better quality community facilities with a wider range and more inclusive activities.
  • The demand for new facilities was limited, but people want more hub models (like Waitohi Hub in Johnsonville), flexible spaces and shared facilities.
  • We generally have enough facilities throughout the city, even considering the anticipated population growth.
  • The key issues are the size, condition, location and functionality (suitable design for the range of intended activities and for all people to use it) of our facilities are not well set up for current and future needs.
  • The key conclusion is we need better facilities not more.

Community facilities needs analysis full report (6MB PDF)

Community facilities needs analysis accessible report (63MB DOCX)

Summary report of the community facilities needs analysis (1.6MB PDF)

We have detailed needs analysis reports available for each facility type. To request a copy, please contact policy.submission@wcc.govt.nz.