Our Domestic Animal Policy and factsheets on bees, cats, and poultry encourage responsible animal ownership in Wellington.
These factsheets provide advice on caring for poultry, bees, and cats in urban areas. They also include information on responsibilities and requirements under legislation and the Animal Bylaw.
Caring for bees
Beekeeping is becoming more popular in Wellington. Bees are important for pollinating crops and gardens but can cause problems in urban areas, so good hive management is important. Find out more about being a responsible owner of these pets from our factsheet.
Caring for Bees (122KB PDF)
Caring for cats
Cats are a popular choice of companion pet for Wellingtonians, and Wellington City Council supports responsible pet ownership. Cats are not commonly confined to their owners’ properties and this raises the potential for nuisance behaviours and conflict with people and other animals including wildlife.
Find out more about being a responsible cat owner.
Caring for poultry
Wellingtonians may keep chickens and other poultry in urban areas for their eggs, and as pets. Poultry includes chickens, ducks, geese, roosters, swans, quails and peacocks. Find out more about being a responsible poultry owner from our factsheet.
Caring for Poultry (123KB PDF)