Ngā Pūrongo o Wāhanga 32
Section 32 reports

Section 32 reports document the planning assessment and technical evidence supporting the recommendations in the Proposed District Plan.

The purpose of Section 32 reports is to examine the proposals for their benefits, risks and to look at the effects on the community, the economy, and the environment.

The analysis is documented so stakeholders and decision-makers can understand the reasoning behind policy decisions, and make transparent, high-quality decisions to Resource Management Act 1991 plans, plan changes and policy statements.

Section 32 - Part 1 - Context to Evaluation and Strategic Objectives (751KB PDF)
Section 32 - Part 2 - Airport Zone (1.11MB PDF)
Section 32 - Part 2 - Assisted Housing (1.03MB PDF)
Section 32 - Part 2 - Centres, Commercial, Mixed Use and Industrial Zones (859KB PDF)
Section 32 - Part 2 - Character Precincts and the Mount Victoria North Townscape Precinct (27MB PDF)
Section 32 - Part 2 - City Centre Zone, Special Purpose Waterfront Zone, Special Purpose Stadium Zone and Te Ngākau Civic Square Precinct (4.45MB PDF)
Section 32 - Part 2 - Coastal Environment (1.32MB PDF)
Section 32 - Part 2 - Corrections Zone (845KB PDF)
Section 32 - Part 2 - Earthworks (687KB PDF)
Section 32 - Part 2 - Ecosystems and Indigenous Biodiversity (1.09MB PDF)
Section 32 - Part 2 - Future Urban Zone, Upper Stebbings and Glenside West Development Area and Lincolnshire Farm Development Area (2.84MB PDF)
Section 32 - Part 2 - General Rural Zone (713KB PDF)
Section 32 - Part 2 - Hazardous Substances and Contaminated Land (739KB PDF)
Section 32 - Part 2 - Historic Heritage Sites and Areas of Significance to Māori Notable Trees (1.54MB PDF)
Section 32 - Part 2 - Infrastructure (871KB PDF)
Section 32 - Part 2 - Hospital Zone and Tertiary Education Zone (1.43MB PDF)
Section 32 - Part 2 - Large Lot Residential Zone (1.49MB PDF)
Section 32 - Part 2 - Light (514KB PDF)
Section 32 - Part 2 - Natural and Coastal Hazards (1.67MB PDF)
Section 32 - Part 2 - Natural Character and Public Access (850KB PDF)
Section 32 - Part 2 - Natural Features and Landscapes (812KB PDF)
Section 32 - Part 2 - Noise (2.58MB PDF)
Section 32 - Part 2 - Open Space and Recreation Zones (804KB PDF)
Section 32 - Part 2- Port Zone (877KB PDF)
Section 32 - Part 2 - Quarry Zone (827KB PDF)
Section 32 - Part 2 - Renewable Electricity Generation (3.83MB PDF)
Section 32 - Part 2 - Residential Zones (1MB PDF)
Section 32 - Part 2 - Signs (673KB PDF)
Section 32 - Part 2 - Subdivision (686KB PDF)
Section 32 - Part 2 - Temporary Activities (725KB PDF)
Section 32 - Part 2 - Three Waters (1.83MB PDF)
Section 32 - Part 2 - Transport (726KB PDF)
Section 32 - Part 2 - Viewshafts (825KB PDF)
Section 32 - Part 2 - Wind Chapter (853KB PDF)
Addendum A: Advice received from Taranaki Whānui and Ngāti Toa Rangatira (2.31MB PDF)