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How hearings work

Learn about the hearings process for the Proposed District Plan.

Hearings give those who have submitted an opportunity to speak to their submission to a panel of resource management commissioners. 

Hearings schedule

The Council will be in touch with those submitters who have indicated that they would like to speak to their submission. The Council will then sort out an appropriate time for submitters to present to the hearings panel.

The Council will confirm the hearings schedule at least 10 working days prior

Preparing for a hearing

If you require a te reo Māori or New Zealand Sign Language interpreter, please let the District Plan team, know at least 10 working days prior to the hearing – email

When taking part in a hearing, there are a few things that you will need to do as per the Resource Management Act 1991.

Council officers will release their section 42A reports (response to submissions report) 20 working days before the hearing. Familiarise yourself with the report. 

If you wish to provide any evidence to support your submission you will need to provide this to the Council at least 10 working days prior to your hearing.

Friend of Submitters

Emily Bayliss, our Friend of Submitter, will be available to provide guidance on how to prepare your evidence, and how to present at a hearing. Please note that Emily will not be able to attend Hearings.

You can contact Emily on weekdays at or call 027 803 0080.

During the hearing

Make sure you present within the scope of your submission. Under 41C (6a) & (6b) of the RMA 1991, the hearings panel may direct you to not present part or all of your submission if it is irrelevant or not in dispute, or relates to another hearings stream. 

Please note that under 41D of the Resource Management Act 1991, a submission can be struck out if it contains offensive language or if it discloses no reasonable or relevant case.

Useful documents