Operative 16 September 2019
District Plan Change 83 included the rezoning an area of land to the south of Kiwi Point Quarry in Ngauranga Gorge. The change allows for the expansion of the south face of the quarry for quarrying activities.
The plan change included the following:
- Rezoning of an area on the southern side of the quarry site from Open Space B to Business 2.
- Introduction of a new objective that recognises the importance of quarrying aggregates at Kiwi Point Quarry to provide for the future growth and development of the city.
- Introduction of a new controlled activity rule that applies to the rezoned southern face expansion area. The Council’s control is maintained over buffer areas from residential sites, cut face rehabilitation, ecological mitigation, and screening.
- Introduction of a range of standards relating to the quarrying of the expanded site, and make changes to a range of explanatory text and a number of consequential changes including changes to Planning Maps 22 and 23.
Operative documents
The Council approved plan change 83 on 1 May 2019 at an ordinary Council Meeting. The Council's decision was notified on 6 May 2019 which was followed by a 30 day appeal period that ended on Tuesday 18 June 2019. No appeals were received.
A hearing for this proposed plan change was held over three days on the 10th-12th of December 2018. The hearing panel has closed the hearing as per Minute 7 provided below.
Hearing panel minutes
Submitter's evidence
Submitter No. 28 - Greater Wellington Regional Council - Submitter Evidence (348KB PDF)
Council evidence
The following evidence lists the Council's evidence as proponent of this plan change.
Section 42A Officer's Report
On 13 April 2018 Wellington City Council notified District Plan Change 83, in which 35 total submissions were received, 2 of which were late submissions. A summary of decisions requested (summary of submissions) was prepared, and the opportunity to make further submissions was notified on 11 June and closed on 25 June 2018. Only 1 further submission was received.
To ensure all potentially affected parties were provided a copy of District Plan Change 83, Council at the direction of the hearing panel elected to extend the timeframe for accepting submissions. Only one additional submission was received. (No additional further submissions were received).
Further submissions
Further Submission 1 - Simon Roche - Powerco Limited (160KB PDF)
Original submissions
Original documents
Section 32 Report Consideration of alternatives, benefits and costs
- Report (without appendices) (1.4MB PDF)
- Appendix A - Alternatives Workshop Report and Appendices (1.3MB PDF)
- Appendix B - Wellington City Council City Strategy Committee Meeting Minutes 14 September 2017 (217KB PDF)
- Appendix C - Economic Spreadsheets (305KB PDF)
- Appendix D – Other relevant reports (34.9MB PDF)
- Regional Demand Forecasts for Aggregates in Wellington, Spire Consulting, July 2016 (464KB PDF)
- Kiwipoint Quarry Indicative Value Impact Report, CBRE, June 2016 (748B PDF)
- Review of Geotechnical Information, Opus Consultants Ltd, July 2016 (240KB PDF)
- Memorandum – Kiwi Point Quarry Response for Wellington City Council, Ormiston Associates Ltd, 28 July 2016 (177KB PDF)
- Report on the Development Potential of Kiwi Point Quarry, Ormiston Associates Ltd, July 2015 (2.4MB PDF)
- Slope Stability Review, ENGEO Ltd, February 2015 (4.3MB PDF)
- Addendum Slope Stability Report for the North Wall and Area H, Kiwi Point Quarry, ENGEO Ltd, April 2015 (730KB PDF)
- Kiwi Point Quarry Management Plan, Wellington City Council (3.9MB PDF)
- Air Quality Assessment, MWH, July 2016 (3MB PDF)
- Assessment of Ecological Effects for Proposed Expansion of Kiwi Point Quarry, Wildlands Consultants, July 2017 (1.8MB PDF)
- Assessment of Lizards for a Proposed Expansion of Kiwi Point Quarry, Wildlands Consultants, December 2017 (1.5MB PDF)
- Kiwi Point Quarry Expansion Photomontages, Isthmus, July 2017 (7.4MB PDF)
To receive a copy of any of the above documents, please email district.plan@wcc.govt.nz
The process for undertaking a Plan Change is determined by the Resource Management Act 1991.
Plan change timeline
- September - October 2017: Consultation regarding the four options for proposed Kiwi Point Quarry expansion.
- February 2018: Feedback from consultation summarised and included in report that went to the Council’s City Strategy Committee.
- 13 April 2018: The Council publicly notified Proposed District Plan Change 83 (Kiwi Point Quarry).
- 13 April - 14 May 2018: Submission period for Proposed District Plan Change 83 (Kiwi Point Quarry) open.
- 11 June - 25 June 2018: Opportunity to make a further submission supporting or opposing the submissions already made (for people who meet the criteria under Clause 8 of the First Schedule of the Resource Management Act, 1991).
- 5 September - 3 October 2018: Extended submission period open.
- 12 October - 29 October 2018: Opportunity to make a further submission supporting or opposing the submissions already made (for people who meet the criteria under Clause 8 of the First Schedule of the Resource Management Act, 1991).
- 10 December - 12 December 2018: Oral Submissions were held for submitter's who requested to present their submission in person.
- 1 May 2019: Council decided to approve the Hearing Panel's Recommendation to approve plan change 83.
- 6 May 2019: Public notification of Council's decision and start of 30 day appeal period.
- 6 May - 18 June 2019: Anyone who had made a submission on the proposed Plan Change had an opportunity to appeal the decision to the Environment Court.
- 18 June 2019: No appeals were received. The plan change will be made operative in the Wellington City District Plan. The operative date will be publicly notified.
- August 28 2019: Council gave final approval on the plan change.
- 9 September 2019: The Council publicly notified the operative date.
- 16 September 2019: District Plan Change 83 was made operative in the Wellington City Council District Plan.
More information
Phone: 04 499 4444
Email: district.plan@wcc.govt.nz