International city partners

Wellington has 14 city-to-city relationships around the world created to strengthen our cultural, educational and business connections.

The relationships with our international city partners enables Wellington City to form networks, engage in dialogue with counterparts and encourage collaboration and cooperation on important issues.

Types of relationships

Our global city partnerships are diverse, dynamic and promote social and economic growth for both cities.

Our city-to-city relationships fall into four categories, depending on the origin of the relationship, what the relationship focuses on and the level of involvement.

  • Sister city – a formal, long-term relationship based on diverse links between two cities which could include cultural, education and business connections
  • Friendly city – an informal partnership that is limited in scope but still promotes collaboration and cooperation between two cities
  • Partner city – a relationship based on specific projects or initiatives with cities which share interests with Wellington
  • Historical sister city – a relationship based on historic or cultural ties, often dating back to an event in history that has significant meaning to both cities.