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Pouiwi Liz Kelly

Pouiwi / Mana Whenua Representative

Profile photo of Mana Whenua Representative Liz Kelly.
Liz Kelly


Liz Kelly, a former Porirua Deputy Mayor, now represents Ngāti Toa Rangatira on Wellington City Council’s committees. She brings with her a vast knowledge from her former roles in local government, where she worked within Strategy and Finance, the District Plan Review, Employment and Economic Development, Joint Waste Water and Landfill and the Sister Cities portfolios.

Ms Kelly has held leadership positions for many years and has developed extensive management experience across a diverse background that includes health, social services and education. She has established a successful family business that continues to grow and actively promotes and supports Māori business. As well as growing her expertise in local government committees, she’s also worked in event management.

She is a former Certified Resource Management Commissioner, a current Justice of the Peace, and remains the CEO for the Porirua Whānau Centre, a role where she has grown the Trust to include the establishment of a registered social housing provider CHP as well as a registered ECE for 65 tamariki.

Liz is passionate about ensuring a better future for our mokopuna / generations to come.

Committee membership

Committee Position
Kōrau Tōtōpū | Long-term Plan, Finance, and Performance Committee Member
Koata Hātepe | Regulatory Processes Committee Member
Kōrau Tūāpapa | Environment and Infrastructure Committee Member
Kōrau Mātinitini | Social, Cultural, and Economic Committee Member
Unaunahi Māhirahira | Audit and Risk Committee Member

External appointments

Appointment Position
Wastewater Treatment Plant and Landfill Joint Committee Member