Teri was first elected to Council in 2019, and is one of three Motukairangi/Eastern Ward councillors for the 2022–25 triennium. Before coming to Council, Teri worked as a policy and business analyst and was also proud to have the opportunity to organise community gatherings for a range of groups representing climate action, mental health, and fairer wages.
Teri stood for election as a Labour Party endorsed candidate. Close to her heart is a drive to help those less fortunate by prioritising compassion, eliminating homelessness in Wellington, and improving housing. She believes that everyone deserves a place to call home that is stable, affordable, and warm and dry.
Alongside her Council work, Teri does mahi in the social work space, volunteering at the Wellington City Mission, Take 10, and conservation programmes.
In her spare time, Teri enjoys bird watching, spending time with family and friends, and reading. Teri grew up in Lyall Bay but now resides in Whātaitai near Kilbirnie park.