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Councillor Nureddin Abdurahman

Paekawakawa/Southern Ward

Profile photo of Councillor Abdurahman.
Nureddin Abdurahman


Nureddin Abdurahman was elected to represent the Southern / Paekawakawa ward in 2022.

Nureddin arrived in New Zealand in 2008 from Ethiopia. Since then, he has worked hard to put himself through Victoria University of Wellington where he gained a Masters degree in International Relations, started a small business with his wife and served as Chair of the African Community Council.

Nureddin is driven by service to the community and is proud to represent the diverse Southern ward. His priorities as a councillor include affordable housing, investment in water infrastructure and action on climate change.

He is a keen football fan and a devoted father of three children.

Committee membership

Committee Position
Te Kaunihera o Pōneke | Council Member
Kōrau Tōtōpū | Long-term Plan, Finance, and Performance Committee Member
Koata Hātepe | Regulatory Processes Committee Member
Kōrau Tūāpapa | Environment and Infrastructure Committee Member
Kōrau Mātinitini | Social, Cultural, and Economic Committee Deputy Chair

External appointments

Appointment Position
Wellington Zoo Trust Member
Liaison with the Wellington Multi-Cultural Council (alternate) Alternate

Pecuniary interests

Elected members are required to file a pecuniary interest return annually. View the register of pecuniary interests.