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Smokefree and vapefree studies

Read our survey results about attitudes towards smoking and vaping in Wellington.

In 2023, as part of the Smokefree Wellington Action Plan, an online survey was run exploring the awareness of and support for smokefree and vapefree locations in Wellington City among the public. It also asked about general attitudes towards smoking and vaping.

This is the third iteration of the survey – data was previously collected in 2015 and 2018. The survey helps identify trends over time and informs any changes to the Council's approach to smokefree and vapefree public places in Wellington City.

The 2023 survey sampled people from our Capital Views research panel. It was controlled for age and gender to ensure the sample was representative of the Wellington City population on these dimensions. In total, there were 1,046 survey respondents, which consisted of a mix of current smokers, ex-smokers, and people who have never smoked.

Read the survey findings in Attitudes towards smoking and vaping in Wellington – report on the 2023 smokefree and vapefree survey (2.1MB PDF)

In addition to the attitudes survey, studies have also been conducted on the point prevalence of smoking and vaping in downtown locations in the Wellington CBD.

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