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Population forecasting

Find some key figures from the latest population forecasting for our region.

The Wellington City Council along with other Territorial Authorities in the region contract Sense Partners to produce population projections for our region. These projects are important inputs onto our long terms planning and strategic work as they help us understand the range of growth scenarios we should expect over the next 30 years.

Some key figures from the latest forecasts show: 

  • Wellington City’s population is expected to grow to approximately 230,000 by 2034 and 270,000 by 2054 based on the 50th percentile (median) projections.
  • Our population is projected to age over the next 30 years – the most material impact being in the 20–39 age group share (falling approximately 4%) and 60+ (rising approximately 3%).
  • Total number of households in Wellington City are projected to grow to approximately 93,000 by 2034 and 109,000 by 2054 (median projections). The changing age pyramid of the city is projected to impact on the share of household types in the city, namely a reduction in the proportion of “multi-person” households (i.e. flats) and increase in single person households.
  • Over the next 30 years – around a third of household growth is expected to occur in the central city, and about a fifth in the Northern Suburbs.

To read more about the Horowhenua and Wellington Region population forecasts, visit the GWRC Demographic Forecasts website.

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