During construction
During construction of the MUD, a council officer may inspect the waste storage area to check it is being built according to the approved plan/s.
The size and location of the waste storage area will need to be included in any building consent or resource consent plans.
After occupation
Within three months of the building being occupied, a MUD Waste Operations assessment will be completed on-site. A council officer will meet with the person who looks after the management of waste for the MUD to discuss details of operation. (This will only be undertaken where there is a communal waste storage area.)
Operation considerations
Waste minimisation
Consideration should be given to how waste can be minimised and how to maximise the collection and use of recyclables, organic waste, and reusable material.
The occupier and/or the manager of any premises is responsible for any waste generated on the premises until it has been collected.
Pest control
Waste should be sealed in containers to deter vermin and pests, and keep the storage area as hygienic as possible. Plans should be made for:
- Keeping waste collection and storage areas free of clutter and dumped waste
- Making sure bins are not left open
- Preventing vermin getting into waste collection and storage areas
- Pest control such as traps / poison.
Clear signage is needed to encourage correct recycling. This signage should:
- Clearly identify what items are and are not accepted in the general waste and recycling systems
- Demonstrate good waste management behaviour e.g. colour sorting glass, putting recyclables directly into the right bin (not in a plastic bag), closing bin lids, etc.
- Identify any hazards or potential dangers associated with the waste facilities
- Use standardised colours for bins and labels, as outlined in our guidance document (395KB PDF)
- Be installed to ensure waste servicing loading zones, collection points, and turning circles are kept clear at appropriate times.
Plans should be made for:
- The frequency of cleaning, and procedures for cleaning bins (e.g. if they can be cleaned on site or if they need to be collected and moved to another area)
- Assigning responsibilities for keeping communal areas clean, including the regular cleaning of floors and walls within the waste storage rooms, and the waste collection exit route
- Collections should be timed to minimise nuisance for residents and neighbours
- Consider time restrictions for when occupants can access the waste storage area
MUD waste operations assessment
If there is a communal waste storage area, a site visit will be organised with the person responsible for the ongoing management of waste (e.g. a body corporate representative). This is so a council officer can discuss and provide guidance on the ongoing management of waste. This will be after the MUD is occupied.
If the officer is satisfied with the operational arrangements, they will confirm compliance with the bylaw.
Contact us
If you have any questions, email us at wasteplans@wcc.govt.nz