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Parks and reserves in the Outer Green Belt.
The Outer Green Belt is a swathe of wild green space along the city edge.
This reserve is part of one of the largest areas of continuous native vegetation in the city.
Mount Kaukau is the most visible high point in the Wellington landscape.
This park features 9 kilometres of walking tracks in 60 hectares of bush.
The Skyline Walkway passes through this ridgetop area, which is used for walking, running and mountain biking.
Bush remnants at this reserve are part of a highly significant native ecosystem in the Outer Green Belt.
Mākara Peak Mountain Bike Park is recognised as a world-class area dedicated to mountain biking.
Best known for its extensive WWII fortifications, Wrights Hill also has great views and tracks.
A varied and remote landscape that extends from the hill tops of Brooklyn wind turbine down to the south coast beaches.