Get yellow lines on my street

Find out how the process for getting yellow lines on your street works.

We use broken yellow lines to manage kerbside parking on our roads. They are often used to:

  • address access issues – for example when vehicles frequently park across your driveway
  • they can help with visibility issues – for example if a parked vehicle prevents you from seeing other vehicles on the road
  • they make narrow roads safer and more accessible by preventing parking on one or both sides. 

You can contact the Council if you think you need yellow lines on your street. 

What happens after you contact the Council

After you contact us there are several ways we may respond.

  • We may suggest  that ‘L’ bars would be a better solution for the issues you are facing. ‘L’ bars are the white parking lines you see on some residential roads. 
  • If you are calling about getting a long stretch of broken yellow lines installed on your road, we may ask you to approach your neighbours with a form to sign (which we will supply to you) to show that there is support for the change, as they are likely to be affected by it.
  • We might decide that we need to do a parking review which can take up to three months and will help us decide if yellow lines are the right choice or if some other action might be best.
  • If we do decide that broken yellow lines are the best solution we will propose a Traffic Resolution. This is a  legal process that the Council has to follow and takes 3-6 months. 

Need help?

If you think you need yellow lines on your street you can phone our Contact Centre on 04 499 4444 or email