Petition - View Signatures


Don't kill the pigeons! Sign if you want the pigeon problem in Wellington City solved humanely!

Should we not be trying to move forward instead of backward? It has been proven in cities throughout the world time and time again that the poisoning, shooting & trapping methods for controlling pigeons do not work, and in the long term create larger flock numbers and social problems within the community e.g. dead birds in the city and over-population of other birds such as sparrows and seagulls.

Submitted by Kingsley Hannah
Opened 11 January 2008
Closed 11 February 2008


Total: 770

Name Suburb City
J Nourigat Burlington WI
Pakhomoff Dimitri 155 CALAIS 61100 FR
Sonja Haldimann Switzerland Domdidier
Monique van Ewijk 1056 RG Amsterdam
Suzel Vargas centre ville Pierrelatte (France)
Conor Taylor Belfast Christchurch
eloise Dottore France reims
Emeline Breuzin FRANCE Indre et Loire
Mary Ann Linney meck North Carolina
sannier francoise francoise 77 nemours
Haidee Samuels Halswell Christchurch
Sinopoli Justine 28000 Chartres
caroline sigaudo 1 rue andre isaia marseille
Maryline Oger Migennes Auxerre
Kathleen Watkins Gresham Portland, oregon USA
Noah Schmidt Concordia Portland, oregon USA
JOELLE FELIX Brussels Brussels 1200
Patricia PHILIPPAERTS Wemmel Bruxelles
Joelle LEY Woluwe-St-Pierre Brussels, Belgium
Manuela Brigandi Schaerbeek Brussels