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Petition - View Signatures


A Traffic Resolution to introduce a speed limit on all shared paths in Wellington City.

A shared path is a road. Road controlling authorities can set speed limits for all roads in their jurisdiction. The speed limit would apply to all drivers/riders of vehicles on the shared path, i.e. cyclists, mobility devices and wheeled recreational devices. The petitioner asks WCC for a traffic resolution that sets the speed limit at 20 km per hour for all shared paths' in its jurisdiction.

Submitted by Maria van der Meel
Opened 20 April 2016
Closed 7 July 2016


Total: 5

Name Suburb City
Maria van der Meel Island Bay Wellington
Jo Horton Southgate Wellington
Murray Richard (called Richard) Tingey Levin North West Levin
Tristram Ingham Newlands Wellington
Ronald Oliver Brooklyn Wellington