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Petition - View Signatures


Manners Mall will be protected, saying NO to revocation

The last chance for Wellington to come out and object to the final part of the decision making procedure by asking council not to revoke the Mall but instead listen to the people and their own advice in the annual plan that: "Wellington will preserve its parks, trees and open spaces".

Submitted by Maria van der Meel
Opened 29 July 2009
Closed 29 October 2009


Total: 1,915

Name Suburb City
Nicki Starkey Cannons Creek Porirua
Matt Katz Mt Cook Wellington
Adam Donald Mt Cook Wellington
keridwyn jackson new brighton christchurch
Vivien Chong Kelburn Wellington
Sam Schomaker Whitby Welington
Charlette Potts Paremata Porirua
Janek Ferrier-Kerr Kelburn Wellington
Linsey Higgins Newtown Wellington
Natalee McClelland waterloo wellington
Sam Keast Kelburn Wellington
Keilah Temese Newlands Wellington
Matt Pratt Eastbourne Lower Hutt
Parker Chambliss te aro wellington
Lisa Stallard Havelock North Hastings
Hannah Jensen central Christchurch
Calum Bennachie Te Aro Wellington
Chelsea Torrance Birchville Upper Hutt
Tai Ahu Kelburn Wellington
Renee Surowiez Whitby Porirua